Monday, May 11, 2015

One foot.......

My running as of late has been nothing to write home about. My last few races have not ended well and the long training I had been doing for those races has left me unmotivated. With that said I feel like I need to hop back up on that horse and get moving. The stagnation seems just as bad. Last April I had entered the Prairie spirit 100 and fought through injury to 51 miles and was not able to finish. Part of me thinks I did not train hard enough and part of me thinks in some ways I over trained. I think I will try a trail 50k and see if I can get through that without injury. I will hopefully find one and sign up soon. For me, if I sign up I will turn on that switch to train. I will adjust my training appropriately to smarter not harder in an attempt to stay injury free. I know that sounds cliche but just running a ton of miles is not always the best training. At least it hasn't been for me.  I will focus on a single long run on the weekend and cross training during the week so to keep my miles under control. I will most likely find a marathon training plan since that distance is similar but not do all the speed work. If you find yourself reading this feel free to leave comments. I am not going to necessarily post for all to see. Its more for me to see progress and document my training and feelings about training.